Soul Work Unlocked

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In this live, online 2-hour astrology workshop, you’ll learn how to decode your natal chart to reveal the work that’s most aligned with your soul intention. Using three key astrological markers, you’ll gain clarity on the kind of work that feels natural, meaningful, and deeply fulfilling—work that nourishes your soul and contributes to our collective healing and growth.


In this live, online 2-hour astrology workshop, you’ll learn how to decode your natal chart to reveal the work that’s most aligned with your soul intention. Using three key astrological markers, you’ll gain clarity on the kind of work that feels natural, meaningful, and deeply fulfilling—work that nourishes your soul and contributes to our collective healing and growth.

In this live, online 2-hour astrology workshop, you’ll learn how to decode your natal chart to reveal the work that’s most aligned with your soul intention. Using three key astrological markers, you’ll gain clarity on the kind of work that feels natural, meaningful, and deeply fulfilling—work that nourishes your soul and contributes to our collective healing and growth.